Richard Dawkins on Fairy Tales

Ian Johnston

Professor Richard Dawkins has questioned whether telling children fairy tales could be harmful because they “inculcate a view of the world which includes supernaturalism”. The evolutionary biologist, a leading atheist

‘Promote Scientific Temper’

Ramesh Susarla

Interview with G. Vijayam of Atheist Centre, Vijayawada. The foundations of the rationalist movement in Andhra Pradesh were laid by Kumaragiri Vema Reddy, popularly known as Vemana, through his verses

Astrology Flops Again!

Narendra Nayak

We have been inviting all those who claim supernatural powers of prediction to come forward and show their efficiency but forecasting the results for the elections from many decades. The

So called Accurate Predictions Failed!

Prabhakar Nanawaty

Prior to actual voting of Parliamentary Election 2014, Shri Nandkishor Jakatdar, President Brihan-Maharashtra Jotish Mandal held a press conference on 5 Apr 2014. During the press conference he boasted   that

The Sex Lives of Godmen

Mihir Srivastava

Asaram Bapu is no longer on Aastha channel, his sermons on which had become something of a morning ritual for many Indians over the past few years. He is now