The Mistrust of Science

Atul Gawande

(The following was delivered as the commencement address at the California Institute of Technology, on Friday, June 10th 2016 ). If this place has done its joband I suspect it

First, justify jallikattu?

Sunita Narayan

Now that the dust has settled on Marina beach, where young protesters had camped to demand that the ban on jallikattua traditional sport of bull jostlingbe lifted, lets discuss the

Some Lessons for the Left

Monobina Gupta

Govind Pansare was not among the nationally well known faces of the Communist Party of India (CPI), even though it was his political home for over six decades. Tragically, it

Gandhi for our troubled times

Ramin Jahanbegloo

I once asked my students at Jindal Global University about Mahatma Gandhis relevance in todays India. Gandhi is only a name and an image in India today, they commented coldly,

Carl Sagan on Moving Beyond Us vs. Them

Maria Popova

Unless we are very, very careful, wrote psychologist-turned-artist Anne Truitt in contemplating compassion and the cure for our chronic self-righteousness, we doom each other by holding onto images of one

Chicken-hearted Ghost

Ruskin Bond

During my adult life I have been doing my best to see a ghost, or even feel the presence of a ghostly being; but, apart from hearing about other peoples

From the Email Box

Dear Shri Nanavati, Let me at the outset wish you a very happy new year 2017, Now about the issue of T&A forwarded by you. I was quite disappointed by