Humanism and Rationalism

(The original article is abridged for better readability – Editor) It is quite interesting that the word “humanism” came into existence relatively recently. It was used by F. Niethammer to

Rationalism and Humanity

Bob Churchill

Here are two claims you might hear quite often, in most parts of the world today. One: that rationalism is needed more than ever. Two: that human beings are not

Homage to Narendra Dabholkar

Anil Kakodkar

We live in a fiercely competitive era. The competition has progressively intensified due to several causes. There is always a basic animal instinct to survive, to grab resources, to create

Rationalism and Humanity

Uttam Niraula

Dear Humanist leading lights and friends all around the world, I feel honored to come to the land of the earliest Atheists and Humanists in the world. Similarly, I feel

Towards Society based on Reason

Ram Puniyani

My political journey and thereby my social intervention has been to work towards a society with equality, social, economic and political. This is what made me to arrive at the