Demolition of Babri Masjid

Keshava  Shet  Revankar

The tendency to turn human judgment into Divine command makes religion one of the most dangerous force in the world.

Georgia  Harkness

After demolition  of an  old dilapidated  building  called ” Babri- Masjid” in Dec ’92,  a  few leaders, belonging to Saffron-outfit  danced in glee, as though they  have performed a most  heroic  deed  in the history of this country,  just like the primitive tribes dance around the Fire after a good  Game-Hunt, There after  hundreds  of columnists in  both English and other languages  wrote hundreds of  articles bringing to our notice many historical   facts, which we  laymen had not known earlier.

In Burkha  Dutt’s ‘We The People’ Programme    many legal luminaries gave their opinions, but only one Panel member pointed  out, that  Hindus too demolished Jain & Buddhist  —     structures to convert them into Hindu-Temples. In coastal Dist. of Karnatak the Local Brahmins forcibly took  over Jain temples and converted them into Hindu Temples.  Many Historians and Archeologists have recorded that the Buddhist– Enclave ‘Nagarjunkonda’ was vandalized  extensively by hordes of people  on Shakaracharya’s instigation.

The verdict  on 30th Sept  confounded  many legal luminaries. One  prominent leader from Saffron-front declared  authoritatively that the learned Judge  gave his verdict  based on  what he perceived and Tradition. On this, another expert remarked that the  verdict was like   the Village-Panchayat’ judgment. It is surprising how such learned people haven’t read what the World-Teacher Jiddu  Krishna Murthy had repeatedly said that’ Tradition clouds  perception. Tradition  betrays the present and those who follow tradition are trapped in the past.”   Another word  widely used by Hindus is “Parampara” meaning tradition. Most irrational acts are committed under Parampara-even killing ones  sister  or daughter for violating Parampara by  men  even from elite society. This word has become an evil bug planted in the minds of Hindus through indoctrination over centuries. Thus the Verdict appears to be based on Parampara and not on Legal grounds of a Modern secular democracy.

As a genesis to this whole episode, I am reproducing below a few excerpts relevant to  the context from an Article ” The Lost  Civilisations ” by S.B.Roy ,Director of the Institute of Chronology, New- Delhi, in which he re-constructs the Proto–History of the world, 4000 years ago, when Dynasties like Devas, Rakshas, Vanaras and many others lived and fought in Aryana.

  1. Two  generations of scholars had toiled for hundred years to prepare the first definitive History of the world—Itihas-Purana. It was compiled under the supervision Vyasa and delivered by Ugrashrava Sauti at the time of Naimisharanya  conference of the Intellectuals  (circa.1316 B.C)

  2. VYASA the encyclopaedist who lived at the time of Mahabharata battle (C.1400 B.C.) collected material for a World History and entrusted the work toRoma Harshana. The scholars who helped in this gigantic task were ,Atreya Sumati, Kashyapa, Akripabrana, Bharadwaja , Agnivircas,Vashista mitrayu,Savarni  Somataki,Susirman Samsapayana and Ugrashrava Sauti son of Romaharshana.

  3. The Astronomical material in the Rigveda reveals the following Date:Observer:


King:    Rama s/o Dasaratha

Dynasty No: 65

Observation: Helical rising of the Dog Star ten days after  Equinox

Date: 2000  B.C.

  1. Some of   Those dynasties  were misrepresented  as devils, beasts or aboriginals by Europeans    and some  Indologists.

  2. For Example  Rakshasas:  Great injustice has been done to the rakshasas by the Indian Poets who  showed only their evil traits. The Rigveda apparently    took no notice of them because  neither Rama nor Ravana appear in any Hymn. As mentioned earlier Dasaratha was a Junior contemporary of Divodasa and fought Timidhwahaja, an ally of Shambara ,the  Harappan. The synchronism is confirmed  By Pargitar and Pradhana.  Both pointed out that Divodasa’s sister Ahalya was married to  Sarantvanta  Gautama, a priest of  Siradhwaja  Janaka [Siradhwaja’s daughter  Sita was married to  Rama, son of Dasaratha] Where did Ravana  live and Rule? It is certain he  was a great  and  powerful  king who was a terror to the Aryan kings. It is also possible  that  Ravana was a Title, like  Janaka, because  one  of  the Ravanas    was said to be a contemporary   and  friend of  Kartivirya  Arjuna  who lived thirty generations earlier than  Dasarathi-Rama. Be that  as it may, Ravana was a powerful  king and the  field-worker   who will search for his bones [and  gold] amidst the Neolithic graves of the Gond Tribal-Chiefs will be disappointed.

  3. It is possible to associate Sita and Janaka with the agricultural revolution in the northern India in (Vamadeva  Gautama  a  contemporary  Rishi  2000.B.C)  2000 B.C. Sita was deified as the godess of the earth. Sita  was deified as the furrow or the  goddess of agriculture. We do not know where Rama lived and ruled Rama was already deified in Mitanni by 1400 B.C as is shown by a letter from Tusarata (cf.Dasaratha) to Amenhotep 111. found in  Tellai–Amarna archieves .The locale of the Rama-Ravana battle is yet to be found. There must be a great city of 2000 B.C like Mohanjo Daro still to be excavated.

In all other civilisations mythologies were consigned to the dust-bin of history. In Indic civilisation, Mythologies were constructed from the Proto-History, the  Itihas-Purana. These mythologies were made up to masquerade as history and a few characters  were made up to masquerade as gods & divinities, having  been   attributed with magical & supernatural traits .   Rama is one of them. The whole of Ramayana the epic is based   on a bad verdict. It is a fact that the priests and rulers were liberally  consuming the heady-wine called ‘Soma’   King Dasaratha     that night might have  drunk  lot of wine and went to the queen Kaikayee. He was not sober and in a half–sleepy state  when the queen got his promise for making her son Bharat the next King. When the time  arrived for fulfilling the promise  Dashrath    consulted in anguish his Raj-Purohith [Royal Priest] This crafty priest, instead of going by “Dharma” and Tradition sided with  the queen. Thus Rama  had to go to forest and the Epic was born. Had the Preist taken the path of ‘Dharma’ the present Lalla–Gulla and spilling of blood would not have occurred  as  this is only  a Brahminic  imaginary  and fantasy.

It is an irony that the modern Judiciary went by tradition and perception and the ancient  “Raj-Purohith” went by Legality of  a king’s  promise but not by “Dharma” and tradition of crowning the eldest  prince.

Can the Media be courageous  to address   the youth  with the facts  from history to raise  their level of conciousness. A section of youth and the large Middle-Class are sucked into a ‘Black–Hole’ created by ” Saffron ideology, obscurantism  originated in rituals,   Priests, highly commercialised temples,  astrologers, Fake god-men, intellectually barren TV Soaps and cosumerism.   Youth is the Future. Therefore Media should be Futuristic. They should channelise the youth –energy to “Ever-widening thoughts and actions and not allow their ‘clear  stream of reason to loose it’s way into the dreary desert-sands of dead– habits'” (R.Tagore). The essence of Hindutva is defined by Upanishadic verses  –‘thou are that spirit’,  “Aham  Brhamasmi”. Upanishads propounded that every living being is part of this ‘Brahmma’  an ever moving,  ever transforming ,progressive force ( S.Radhakrishnan) A formless God. Jiddu  Krishna  Murthy had beautifully said this –“You are rest of humanity, ‘You are the observer and you are  the observed” ” We are all  part of the same consciousness’.