A humble candle’s flame was haunting the
darkness engulfing broader landscape
It was agitating the enemies of
enlightenment whose restlessness was
borne in the hot air huffed and
puffed every now and then
The pencil rays of light
was enough not just to expose
the ruthless and gruesome faces,
but to identify a way of hope, too
in the din of deafening noises of
Not that the candle was unaware of
its ever melting stature.
Rather conscious it was of its
self-chosen task and
was a willing participant in that process.
Forces of hatred and venomous politics
were hell-bent on foreclosing the
humble glow spreading across the
darker space and were
enraged that their giant shadows were
cast on the walls by its smiling presence.
Alas, the blackened wick turns smoky
as the flame is put off by an
avenging blow of air by the devilish mouths.
But, the falling candle had already lit
a million candles whose
united flame gets ready to
drive out the darkness and
torch the hatred once and forever.
And for the moment,
they glow, in silence,
remembering the sacrifice
of that unique, humble, unassuming
candle, thy name is, Dabholkar…..
darkness engulfing broader landscape
It was agitating the enemies of
enlightenment whose restlessness was
borne in the hot air huffed and
puffed every now and then
The pencil rays of light
was enough not just to expose
the ruthless and gruesome faces,
but to identify a way of hope, too
in the din of deafening noises of
Not that the candle was unaware of
its ever melting stature.
Rather conscious it was of its
self-chosen task and
was a willing participant in that process.
Forces of hatred and venomous politics
were hell-bent on foreclosing the
humble glow spreading across the
darker space and were
enraged that their giant shadows were
cast on the walls by its smiling presence.
Alas, the blackened wick turns smoky
as the flame is put off by an
avenging blow of air by the devilish mouths.
But, the falling candle had already lit
a million candles whose
united flame gets ready to
drive out the darkness and
torch the hatred once and forever.
And for the moment,
they glow, in silence,
remembering the sacrifice
of that unique, humble, unassuming
candle, thy name is, Dabholkar…..
Courtesy: Indian Express
(The writer’s email: Sc.venu@gmail.com)